This site has been greatly enriched by contributions from people all over the community, including artists, designers, archivists, collectors and general MOTU experts. There isn’t one person who knows everything to know about Masters of the Universe, but as a community there is a great deal of knowledge, and it grows over time. I’d like to acknowledge contributions from the following individuals and groups. Some of these are direct contributions, which means they directly shared information, images, suggestions, and stories with me. There are others that I haven’t been in contact with directly, but have been sources of knowledge that I have relied upon consistently. I’m sure I’m forgetting someone, but I’ll continue to add to the list.
Special thanks to Jukka Issakainen, who has contributed in some way to almost every post in this blog. He has tirelessly assisted me with feedback, information and images since the beginning. I am deeply grateful to all of the following individuals and organizations, and many, many others:
- Axel Giménez
- Chris Vint
- Danielle Gelehrter
- Dark Horse
- Dejan Dimitrovski
- Dušan Mitrović
- Eamon O’Donoghue
- Emiliano Santalucia & The Power and the Honor Foundation
- James Eatock
- John Atkin
- John Oswald
- Jukka Issakainen
- Larry Hubbard
- Manic Man
- Mantisaur82
- Martin Arriola
- Matthew L. Martin
- Mark & Rebecca Taylor
- Øyvind Johannes Meisfjord
- Pixel Dan
- Rudy Obrero
- Shawn
- Sir Shenanigans
- Ted Mayer
- Tokyonever & Grayskull Museum
- Val Staples &
- Vaults of Grayskull