Note: some of these links are no longer active. I’m keeping them up in case they are ever reactivated.
- 2 Warps To Neptune
- 20th Century Toy Collector
- Ancient Library of Grayskull
- Bob Nall Interview
- Cereal Geek TV (James Eatock)
- Crazy Collectors
- Diary of a Dorkette – She-Ra History
- Diversions of the Groovy Kind
- Dolly Fanny Flickr Page (MOTU and other scans)
- Donald Glut Interview
- El Baúl de Grayskull
- Electrified Porcupine
- Concept Figures
- Eternia Traveling Exhibit
- The Eternity War Blog
- For Eternia
- FulguroPop
- Grayskull Museum Mirror
- He-Man MOTU Cartoon Episode Reviews
- (German New Adventures of He-Man site)
- He-Man Official YouTube Channel
- He-Man Tales
- He-Man Toy Box
- He-Man World William Stout Interview
- Jack Olesker (Writer of the New Adventures of He-Man series)
- Jafari Stew
- James Eatock Presents: The He-Man & She-Ra Blog
- La Cueva del Terror
- Les Jouets Des Annees 80 et 90
- Lords of Power Collection
- Mark Ellis Interview at
- Masters of the Minicomics
- Masters of the Universe Argentina
- Masters of the Universe Bible
- Masters Unbound
- Midnight Rant
- Monster Brains MOTU Artwork
- MOTU Art Facebook Page
- MOTU Movie Website: Production Art
- MOTU Portugal Vintage Figures List
- MOTU UK Comics Fan Site
- MOTUC Figures
- MOTU Vintage Variants
- MYP He-Man
- My Side of the Laundry Room
- Nathalie NHT Flickr (MOTU Catalog Scans)
- New Eternia (Jukka’s site)
- Oasis Delle Anime
- Orko’s Keep
- Pixel Dan
- Plaid Stallions
- Poochi and Other Friends (source for Italian MOTU comics)
- Retrojunk
- Stratos Macca
- The Power and the Honor Foundation
- Ted Mayer Design
- Toy Frenzy Podcast
- Toys From The Past
- Toy Habits
- Twelve Days of Grayskull by Eric Treadaway
- UK Comics Fan Site
- Vaults of Grayskull
- Vintage Toy Advertiser
- Vintage Toys Facebook Page
- Wolfstor