
1986 Mattel Toys Dealer Catalog

Here is the 1986 Mattel Toys Dealer Catalog. Intended for retailers, Mattel’s dealer catalogs showcased all the latest and greatest releases, along with existing products within its various current (at the time) toy lines. New releases included:

  • Flying Fists He-Man
  • Terror Claws Skeletor
  • Hurricane Hordak
  • Rokkon
  • Stonedar
  • Rio Blast
  • Snout Spout
  • Extendar
  • King Hiss
  • Rattlor
  • Tung Lashor
  • Dragstor
  • Horde Trooper
  • Multi-Bot
  • Slime Pit
  • Horde Slime
  • Monstroid
  • Mantisaur
  • Laser Bolt
  • Blasterhawk
  • Fright Fighter
  • Stilt Stalkers
  • Megalaser
  • Jet Sled
  • Eternia
  • Masters of the Universe VCR Game (apparently never produced)
  • Snake Mountain Rescue Game
  • Battle For Eternia Game

1986 saw quite an ambitious line-up of vehicles, figures, playsets and games. Not every item was an instant classic (I think the heroic warriors lineup for 1986 was particularly weak), but the scope of the line by this year was impressive.

(Source: Orange Slime and Nathalie NHT)

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5 thoughts on “1986 Mattel Toys Dealer Catalog

    1. I seen the headline that says He-Man has eight new allies. Now only five came out that year. Also the other three came out later on that year but they only get credit for half of the year. So what happened and did Mattel say anything about it? I received a letter from Mattel about this many years ago. The three figures that were supposed to come out were: King Randor, Sorceress, and Clamp Champ.

  1. Interesting thing, the Battle For Eternia game shows Teela, Two-Bad and Rokkon playing pieces, but the actual game they are MIA. The playable heroes reduced to four and the evil warriors became 8 but Two-Bad got the boot, with Stinkor, Kobra Khan and Tri-Klops added. That’s a little odd, because going by the assortments show here, Tri-Klops was discontinued in the action figure cases by then.

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