Evil Mutants

Doomcopter: Jaw Snapping Helicraft (1991)

Written by Adam McCombs

In the 1989 “New Adventures” He-Man reboot, the Evil Mutants had the coolest toys. That’s true of the figures, and it’s true of the vehicles and playsets as well. My personal favorite vehicle from this line is the Doomcopter, or Skullcopter as it is known in the European market.

Image source: Battle Armor Dad
Image: Grayskull Museum

Design & Development

Doomcopter was designed by David Wolfram, who did the design work for most of the Evil Mutants. His typical style is evident here – a Gigerian mixture of organic elements and technology, with a heavy dose of body horror and skull imagery.

Doomcopter concept sketch by David Wolfram

In my interview with David, he had this to say about the design:

Lots of Giger influence there. I have this one partial sketch. As you can see on both this product as well as Nordor, the skull motif is an an important design element. I really didn’t do a lot of vehicles. I did an early sketch of a walking tank like vehicle which ended up becoming Terrorclaw and the Shuttle Pod. The vehicles ended up being designed by three different people: Dave McElroy, Steve Fouke, and Miller Johnson. Oh, and the Starship was designed by Terry Choi.

David Wolfram

Vehicle & Packaging

Doomcopter was released in 1991, with a trademark filing date of February 2, 1990. The front of the box features some wonderful artwork by William George, showcasing Disks of Doom Skeletor, Battle Punch He-Man and Tuskador:

The back of the packaging has some interesting information about Doomcopter:

I believe the cross sell art here is largely from Errol McCarthy, but I don’t know for sure.

Night-strike helicraft

Primary Mission: 1) To transport Skeletor from space base Skuldor to the battlefield, 2) To launch suprise attacks against Guardian forces

Main Base: Space Base Skuldor on planet Denebria’s hollow moon

Battle Specs: 1) Guardian grabbing jaws for hand to mouth combat, 2) Rip-rotor for wrecking guardian strongholds, 3) Skull shield glows in the dark for midnight sneak attacks

The above description gives it a different appellation than the front of the box – it’s the “Night-strike helicraft” rather than the “Jaw snapping helicraft.” It also refers to “Skuldor,” which appears to actually be referring to Nordor. Perhaps Skuldor was an alternative name for it early on that didn’t get corrected on the packaging. Skuldor is also referenced on the packaging for Butthead and Terrortread.

The toy itself is lightweight but very nicely sculpted, with a little blue overspray on the purple body.

Rip-Rotor detail

The skull façade glows in the dark very weakly, and can be a bit hard to capture:

Here is a scan of the instructions, which go over the various features. The snapping jaw was controlled by the lower button, and the higher button would release the flying “Rip-Rotor” once it had been wound up sufficiently. It featured stirrups as well to help keep the figure in place, although it didn’t fit every figure.

Comics & Stories

To my knowledge, Doomcopter never appeared in the various international comic book stories (UK MOTU Magazine, German Ehapa Verlag, Italian Magic Boy, etc.) It did, however, appear in a couple of He-Man magazine issues that featured toy photography with inventive dioramas to tell stories and, of course, sell toys.

1990, Issue 2: Gefahr Für Primus

1991: He-Man News

Jetlag Animated He-Man Series

Doomcopter in the Jetlag New Adventures of He-Man Series is pretty faithful to the toy design. One liberty taken with it is that it has a laser cannon mounted inside the mouth, which Skeletor uses as its primary attack weapon.

From “You’re in the Army Now,” a story involving Adam on trial for allegedly deserting his post and betraying the Galactic Guardians. The story is largely told in flashback. In this particular instance, Doomcopter ends up crashing into the side of a mountain.

From “The Running of the Herd,” where the Evil Mutants ambush the Guardians on the planet Equinos during Sagitar’s people’s ceremonial “running of the herd:”

Because it appeared at the tail end of the New Adventures line, unfortunately there isn’t a ton of media or artwork for this vehicle. Still, it’s a fun design and definitely worth picking up for any New Adventures collector.

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3 thoughts on “Doomcopter: Jaw Snapping Helicraft (1991)

  1. This was one of my favorite toys growing up. Being born in 1985, I only caught the tail end of MOTU but was the target age for He-Man. The Doomcopter was a lot of fun – the jaws made a very satisfying “CLACK!” when operating them and the spinning blade was just so rad. I played with this toy well into the very late 90’s.

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