
Early Alcala reference material

Written by Adam McCombs

Frequent readers of this blog know that if there is one aspect of Masters of the Universe that endlessly fascinates me, it’s the early minicomics and the concept toy designs for the brand. As I was reviewing the recent Power-Con “Lords of Power” set, I noticed that Alfredo Alcala, illustrator of the first four minicomics (or really, story books) for the series seemed to be using two different references for He-Man, in his early material. I thought it might be interesting to identify all of the reference material Alcala used, based on similarity to known prototypes and concept art.

Before I get into that, I should note some actual extant reference material that Alcala used still exists, and was shared by his son, Alfred Junior. Mattel sent Alfredo Sr. some actual toys to use as references, which were well-loved by his son. It seems that Alcala used this in later comics (he illustrated various comics for the 1983 and 1984 waves). The Teela head below is actually an early incarnation with sculpted eyelids, not present on the production toy, so that might have been used for his 1982 material (images courtesy of Alfred Alcala Jr.).

I thought I would trace the references he used in the first four minicomics by character. I’m also operating under the assumption that the order of illustration of the comics is He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, and Battle in the Clouds. That assumption is based on the evolving look of the characters and how that matches with the evolution of the character designs at Mattel. I’m also going to include some early line art that the artist did for He-Man and the Power Sword.


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

The earliest Alcala comic, He-Man and the Power Sword, is the only one of the series to feature He-Man with his boot dagger, which shows up in several panels. The dagger shows up only in Mark Taylor’s B-sheet art, and not in any known prototypes, so the reference material at the start must have been Mark’s B-sheet. I imagine someone at Mattel told Alcala to skip the helmet, as they had decided to nix that early on. You can also see the early belt design in several panels (square center buckle, furry shorts spilling over the top). In some panels you do see the revised belt (cleaner top, round center buckle), so that might have been a running change at the 11th hour. The axe and shield are also taken directly from the B-sheet.

Mark Taylor B-Sheet. Source: The Power and the Honor Foundation

In the other three comics, every depiction of He-Man seems pretty clearly based on the prototype figure shown in the “Lords of Power” slide series. The defining characteristics are: no boot dagger, no bracer on the left wrist, cleaned up belt design, x-shaped harness around the back (thanks Dušan M. for the reminder) and somewhat paler skin:

Image source: Andy Youssi

Side view, in prototype Wind Raider


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

In all four comics, Skeletor seems to be based on both the original Mark Taylor B-sheet and on the “Lords of Power” prototype. He always has the smooth forearms of the prototype, but he also usually (but not always) has the chest straps of the B-sheet. Sometimes he has the yellow detail of either the chest (which shows up on both references) or just the shin guards (only in the B-sheet). Perhaps there was an additional transitional reference he was working from, or perhaps he simply got notes from Mattel about which arms to use, or (after the first minicomic) dropping the yellow detail on the costume. The skull is of course quite different from the “rotting face” concept. I suspect Mattel told him to replace the concept face with a skull face, and so without a reference Alcala came up with his own unique design there:

Mark Taylor concept art. Image: Super7/Power and Honor Foundation
Image source: Andy Youssi
Image source: The Power of He-Man/Jukka Issakainen


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

Teela and Sorceress change the most from comic to comic, which makes sense, given how many changes these character designs went through behind the scenes. I’m putting them together because at times their costumes and roles converge in the early Alcala comics. Technically Sorceress only appears in the first minicomic.

In He-Man and the Power Sword, Sorceress is the guardian of the two halves of the Power Sword and Teela is a wandering warrior. In King of Castle Grayskull, Teela is the guardian of Castle Grayskull, having been selected by the Castle itself for that role. By Battle in the Clouds, Teela is back to warrior duties but she’s wearing the Sorceress’ snake armor.

Images from He-Man and the Power Sword:

The reference material for both characters above is clearly Mark Taylor’s B-sheets. The one deviation is Sorceress’ face, which Alcala colored green. That may have been an oversight. Also the staff the Sorceress uses has some kind of horn design. It’s unclear why that is.

Image source: Super 7/The Power and Honor Foundation
Image source: Super 7/The Power and Honor Foundation

In King of Castle Grayskull, Teela steps into the Sorceress’ role (who is never mentioned in this series again). Her costume is mainly her B-sheet design but with the Sorceress’ staff. Her boots are redder, and the hair ranges from reddish to blondish – perhaps because the hair in the B-sheet is both reddish and blondish, and the boots are somewhat ambiguous. There may have been some other lost reference material used here. Mark Taylor was also known to do several color variations of his B-sheets, so there may have been more variants that didn’t survive.

Interestingly, early line art for the final panel of that comic shows Teela with the spear from Mark Taylor’s B-sheet. In the final version, she holds the snake staff:

In The Vengeance of Skeletor, Teela looks very much like her first comic appearance (blonde hair, brown boots, with Charger), but she carries the Sorceress staff.

Finally, in Battle in the Clouds, Teela for the first time pulls from identifiably different source material – here she is based on the cross sell art that was used on the back of the action figure cards:

Beast Man

Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, The Vengeance of Skeletor

In the first comic, Beast Man is depicted with red fur and a red costume with yellow medallion. In his other appearance (The Vengeance of Skeletor), he has orange fur and a red and blue costume. It’s clear that in both cases, Alcala was using Mark Taylor’s B-sheet (below for reference). But I think there must have been an all red version (with red trunks and a yellow medallion) that has unfortunately not survived.

Image source: Super 7/The Power and Honor Foundation


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

We can see a few different references used in Alcala’s early depictions of Man-At-Arms. In the unused panel below, we see a transitional version of Man-At-Arms – something in between Mark Taylor’s first, pre-MOTU concept (labeled “Paladin” below) for the character, and his B-Sheet. Unfortunately we don’t have Mark’s transitional concept, but thankfully Alcala’s interpretation still exists. What sets this version apart is the piece of armor on his right shoulder, and the bladed rifle that he carries.

Unused Alcala panel, from The Power of Grayskull documentary

Early Mark Taylor “Paladin” design
Mark Taylor B-sheet

In He-Man and the Power Sword, the reference seems to almost entirely from the “Lords of Power” prototype. It has the updated belt and the colors of the prototype, as opposed to the orange boots and squared off belt of the B-sheet. In one panel he has the fur cape, which is a holdover from the earlier design and an earlier draft panel (more on that panel later).

Man-At-Arms prototype

In Man-At-Arms’ other appearances, a major reference is the cross sell art, (note the his symmetrical helmet design and monochromic boots). However, his left arm armor still extends to his fist, which was a feature of the prototype.


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

In the first three appearances, Mer-Man’s art references could have just as easily been Mark Taylor’s B-sheet or Tony Guerrero’s prototype sculpt – they are essentially the same design. Regardless of source, Alcala usually illustrated Mer-Man with a lighter blue color than what appeared in the source material:

Image source: Super 7/The Power and Honor Foundation

Image source: Andy Youssi
Image source: The Power of Grayskull/Jukka Issakainen

In Battle in the Clouds, Alcala bases his Mer-Man on the character’s cross-sell artwork, as evidenced by the more greenish skin, simplified belt, bare feet and modified shin guards:


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

Alcala’s Stratos illustration in the first three comics all seem to be based on Mark Taylor’s B-sheet design for the character. In the B-Sheet, Stratos seems to have gray skin, except for on his chest. Alcala may have interpreted that to mean the design wasn’t fully colored and the character was to have tan skin. Stratos also has a necklace of feathers and a large buckle at a strap near his belt.

In Battle In the Clouds, the reference changed to the updated (but still not finalized) cross sell art design:

Battle Cat

Appearances: King of Castle Grayskull, Battle in the Clouds.

Battle Cat is a surprisingly infrequent guest in the early Alcala illustrations. When he does show up he tends to have stripes on his tail, indicative of Mark Taylor’s concept art. However, it appears that the reference for Battle Cat was actually the prototype figure, which has a slightly different helmet shape than Mark’s art, as well as orange around the edges of its mouth:

Image source: Andy Youssi
Image source: Super 7/The Power and Honor Foundation

Castle Grayskull

Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

The striking Castle Grayskull depicted in the early Alcala comics is always based on the prototype castle, rather than on any known concept art. The prototype (sculpted by Mark Taylor) is quite different from Mark’s previous artwork.

Image source: James Eatock/Andy Youssi
Image Source: The Power and the Honor Foundation


Appearances: He-Man and the Power Sword, The Vengeance of Skeletor, Battle in the Clouds.

Alcala included various vehicles in the early comics. The earliest vehicles, included in the early line art draft of He-Man and the Power Sword, were actually Mark Taylor concept vehicles. Eventually Mark brought Ted Mayer in to the project to design the vehicles, so Alcala must have started the draft before that time. The earliest known Ted Mayer concept is an early Battle Ram design from April 7, 1981, so Alcala probably started his draft images before then.

One early vehicle in the draft minicomic was a Mark Taylor chariot design, which is being driven by Man-At-Arms below:

Early Alfredo Alcala comic panel, featuring the prototype vehicle. Image source: The Power of Grayskull documentary
Mark Taylor concept vehicle. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation

In the final comic, that vehicle was swapped out for Ted Mayer’s concept Battle Chariot, which was also never produced. That vehicle was designed by Ted Mayer on June 5, 1981, so Alcala must have completed his work on He-Man and the Power Sword after that date.

Ted Mayer’s Battle Chariot concept

Another Mark Taylor vehicle, the Battle Catapult, shows up in Alcala’s draft below:

Image source: Rebecca Salari Taylor

In the final version of the comic, it’s replaced with the Battle Ram and the Battle Chariot:

The Battle Ram itself is (which shows up in Power Sword and Vengeance) was created referencing the prototype Battle Ram toy:

Image source: Ted Mayer

The Wind Raider shows up only in Battle In The Clouds, and is based on one of the prototypes for that vehicle (which, along with Battle Ram, was sculpted by Jim Openshaw). The prototype in question had smaller engine inlet cones and its wings were straight along the trailing edge, rather than ridged.

Further reading:

Mark Taylor Interview
Ted Mayer Interview
Beast Man
Battle Cat
Castle Grayskull
Battle Ram
Wind Raider

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Evil Warriors

MOTU Classics Mer-Man

Written by Adam McCombs

Masters of the Universe Classics Mer-Man, released in April of 2009 and again as a blue variant in November of 2010, is still, for me, the best figure ever released in the Classics toyline. Part of that is certainly the painstakingly accurate reproduction of Mer-Man as he appeared in the vintage cross sell artwork, but part of it also is the shading and detail on the figure itself.

First release Classics Mer-Man in green

With his trident weapon

Source Material

The main source material for the Classics Mer-Man (green version) is explicitly the vintage cross sell artwork. It’s nearly a perfect reproduction of that depiction, and a passion project for Eric Treadaway of the Four Horsemen. The details reproduced from the artwork include:

  • Color and shape of the gloves
  • Four-fingered hands, with open left hand
  • Bare feet with smooth, yellow shin guards
  • Yellow loin cloth
  • Yellow detail on face
  • Large eyes
  • Upward pointed fins on the head
  • Sculpted gills around the neck
  • Wide chest armor with enlarged spikes
  • More detailed sword (the Classics version is more detailed still than the source material)
Scanned by Adam McCombs

The figure was augmented beyond the source material with some colored gems on the armor and some additional shading throughout the figure. There are some nods to the vintage figure as well. The most obvious one of course, is the second head, sculpted after the vintage figure, but also the green belt, which was featured on early releases of the 1982 toy.

Vintage toy style head
First release 1982 made in Taiwan figure

It should be noted that in some respects the Classics vintage style head is somewhat less detailed compared to the original vintage head. The vintage head has fins that terminate in individual protuberances, while the fins on the Classics head are rounded at the ends, and more closely resemble ears.

There is one nod to the 2002 Mer-Man figure as well – the trident accessory. Of course the 2002 figure is also influenced by the vintage cross sell art, particular in the head sculpt:

The blue version of Mer-Man that came packed with Aquaman is supposed to resemble Mer-Man as he appeared in the earliest minicomics illustrated by Alfredo Alcala. That version was based on early concept art by Mark Taylor and an early prototype sculpted by Tony Guerrero.

Alcala’s depiction of Mer-Man
Mark Taylor’s original Mer-Man B-sheet, published by Super7/The Power and the Honor Foundation. Image courtesy of Axel Giménez.
Tony Guerrero prototype Mer-Man. Image courtesy of Andy Youssi

The color scheme is similar to the minicomic version (blue skin, blue and yellow sword, full yellow boots), but it borrows wholesale the sculpt of the original green release of Mer-Man. It doesn’t have the unique boots, gloves, belt and other details of the minicomic/concept version, so it actually winds up looking like earlier versions of the cross sell artwork, which featured a blue-skinned Mer-Man:

Image courtesy of Tokyonever
Blue Mer-Man

This Mer-Man also has the green belt of the vintage toy. Note also that early concept art gave Mer-Man copper/gold/ accents on  parts of his costume, which didn’t end up in the minicomic artwork.

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The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2015)

Review by Adam McCombs

The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (published by Dark Horse, April 28, 2015) is a celebration of He-Man from his  earliest known concept drawings in 1979 to his latest 2015 evolution in modern comics and toys (images below courtesy of Jukka Issakainen).

Limited Edition printing of The Art of He-Man, with Castle Grayskull slipcover and exclusive artwork by Gerald Parel.

The focus of the book is primarily on artwork, although there is some time spent on toys. In many ways the Dark Horse book seems to take some cues from Mattel’s 2009 book, The Art of Masters of the Universe (a San Diego Comic Con exclusive). The 2009 book took a broad approach to the subject, starting with early concept artwork and moving on to cross sell artwork, box art, mini comics, the New Adventures of He-Man line, the 2002 He-Man line, the ongoing Masters of the Universe Classics adult collector line, and finishing up with some modern concept art for a potential rebooted line.  The Dark Horse book follows the same general outline, but radically expands it with more than five times as much content.

The Art of He-Man was written by Tim and Steve Seeley and edited by Daniel Chabon and Ian Tucker, with contributions by Emiliano Santalucia, Joshua Van Pelt, James Eatock, Danielle Gelehrter, Val Staples, and others. Drawing on a wide variety of sources, from current and former insiders at Mattel to external collectors and experts, The Art of He-Man is able to delve deeper into the subject than the 2009 Mattel SDCC book, and expands the territory into areas like the 1983 Filmation cartoon and the 1987 live-action film.

By comparison, The Power and the Honor Foundation’s 2011 Catalog Volume One went into far greater depth on the subject of toy design, but stayed away from topics like packaging design, mini comics, and Filmation. Some of the artwork from both The Power and the Honor Foundation Catalog and the 2009 Mattel book made it into The Art of He-Man, but by no means all of it.

Early on, The Art of He-Man was slated to be much shorter, capping out at 168 pages by the beginning of chapter 10 (thanks to Jukka Issakainen for the image and the reminder):

After I believe some extensive contributions from The Power and the Honor Foundation and others, the page count was radically increased to about 320 pages total:

The Art of He-Man starts things off with some tantalizing internal memos, most of them directly or indirectly related to the creation of He-Man. One notable exception is the December 24, 1981 memo from Mark Ellis looking into the creation of a generic male action figure line for use in licensed properties. The He-Man line had already been largely created by then, and the memo seems to favor a smaller scale line of figures.

If you’re familiar with my blog, it might not surprise you that the first chapter of The Art of He-Man is my favorite, as it covers early concept designs by Mark Taylor, Ted Mayer and Colin Bailey, as well as the first He-Man prototype sculpted by Tony Guerrero. We also get to see a number of other concept drawings by Roger Sweet, Ed Watts, Mark Jones, James McElroy, David Wolfram and others. Quite a lot of the artwork in the sample below was contributed by The Power and the Honor Foundation:

About 40 pages in, the book switches gears to packaging artwork, including figure and vehicle cross sell artwork, some of it blown up gloriously large. It’s here where I get a little frustrated at the limitations of printed media, as many of these images are heavily cropped.

At about 50 pages in, the book changes focus to concept artwork for unproduced toys like He-Ro, Turbosaurus, Rotary Man, Rhino Man, Torton, and others. Some of my favorites here are the Ed Watts concepts, which were also contributed by The Power and the Honor Foundation. Watts created some really imaginative vehicle and vehicle/creature designs in full color illustrations with background scenery included.

Turbosaurus, by Ed Watts. An early incarnation of Gigantisaur. Originally via The Power and the Honor Foundation.

About 60 pages in the book begins to explore some of the painted packaging artwork that appeared on product boxes and cardbacks. We’re treated to a gorgeous, two-page spread of Rudy Obrero’s iconic Castle Grayskull illustration. We also see a great deal of artwork by prolific MOTU artists Errol McCarthy and William George. There is also the packaging illustration for Tyrantosaurus Rex artwork by Warren Hile, who painted several packaging illustrations near the tail end of the line.

At around the 70 page mark, the book changes focus to the vintage mini comics. I would say that this section had been rendered mostly redundant by the Dark Horse He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Mini Comic Collection (more on that in a separate article), but this section does feature some lovely blown up pages, as well as an interview with writer Steven Grant and illustrator Larry Houston.

Speaking of interviews, The Art of He-Man is peppered with them. Interviewed subjects include:

  • David Wolfram
  • Dolph Lundgren
  • Earl Norem
  • Eric Treadaway
  • Erika Scheimer
  • Gabriel de la Torre
  • Gary Goddard
  • Joe Ferencz
  • Larry Houston
  • Paul Dini
  • The Power and the Honor Foundation
  • Rob David
  • Scott Neitlich
  • Steven Grant
  • Val Staples
  • William Stout

At the 85-page mark, the book switches focus to the subject of the Filmation He-Man series. It includes some lovely drawings from the early Filmation animated toy commercial, and development artwork and story boards for the actual series. One of my favorites is a page showing numerous early designs for Hordak. There is also included a replica animation cel and three printed backgrounds, so you can get a tangible lesson in the magic of traditional hand-drawn animation.

At 120 pages in, we turn to the subject of artwork from magazines, story books and posters. That means we’re treated to a number of large size images of artwork by the late, great Earl Norem, not to mention the fantastic William George.

Artwork by Earl Norem

Some 150 pages into the book, there is a smattering of miscellaneous subject matter, from the vintage DC comics, newspaper comic strips, Golden Books, coloring books, as well as some style guide and licensing artwork by Errol McCarthy.

At 175 pages, the book takes a very in-depth look at the 1987 Masters of the Universe motion picture, a topic not covered in the 2009 Mattel art book. This section is thick with interviews, draft scripts, and concept artwork by William Stout, Claudio Mazzoli and Ralph McQuarrie.

Ralph McQuarrie’s Man-At-Arms

The subject turns to the New Adventures of He-Man some 200 pages into the book. We get to take a peek at early attempts to relaunch He-Man as a G.I. Joe-like military hero, before designers eventually moved toward a science fiction look for the most powerful man in the universe.

New Adventures of He-Man concept, by Martin Arriola

At 219 pages we finally move on to the 21st century, with a look at the 2002 reboot of Masters of the Universe. I remember at the time I did encounter the Commemorative reissues of the vintage toys (I bought one of the five-packs immediately when I saw it at Toys ‘R’ Us), but I somehow missed the entire 2002 relaunch.

We get some great concept drawings from the Four Horsemen,  including depictions of many new characters who never made it into the toyline or the cartoon series. This section also covers the Mike Young Productions cartoon, with some lovely background art, as well as an extensive look at artwork from the MVCreations comic book series. I do like the Four Horsemen’s original concept He-Man, but I’m not as fond of the anime look and oversized weapons that are peppered throughout the 2002 line. On the other hand, I absolutely adore the line’s vision for characters like Stinkor, Leech, Mer-Man and Webstor. I also find the stories in the 2002 cartoon series more compelling than the original Filmation series, although I prefer the look of the original cartoon.

Concept 2002 He-Man, by Four Horsemen Studios. Image via The Art of He-Man.

At about 250 pages in, we turn to the 2008 adult collector series, Masters of the Universe Classics. We to see some of the artwork that Rudy Obrero produced for the toyline (including his maps of Eternia and Etheria), as well as prototypes from Four Horsemen Studios. There are also maps, concept art, packaging artwork by Nate Baertsch and Axel Giménez. Tucked away in this section is also the original 1981 Wind Raider box art, which was used as a basis for the Masters of the Universe Classics version of the toy.

Classics “Alcala” style Skeletor and prototype Demo Man

The last 20 pages or so are a hodgepodge of subjects, from mobile games to social media,  modern DC MOTU comics and far-out, exploratory artwork.

The Art of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is practically mandatory reading for any serious He-Man fan, but I there’s I think it’s broad enough to appeal even to non-collectors who merely remember He-Man with fondness.

Several sections of the book have since been expanded into separate Dark Horse books, or else are in the works:

  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Mini Comic Collection
  • He-Man and She-Ra – A Complete Guide to the Classic Animated Adventures
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe – The Newspaper Comic Strips (Available February 14, 2017)
  • He-Man and the Masters of the Universe – A Character Guide and World Compendium (May 16, 2017)

I hope that at some point we’ll see the subjects of vintage toy concept artwork and packaging artwork get the same treatment. The two topics could easily fill a couple of large volumes, and would be, in my opinion, required reading.

Modulok illustration for Masters of the Universe Classics, by Axel Giménez

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Masters of the Universe Timeline (1971-1987)

Written by Adam McCombs

In my continuing quest to understand the history of the vintage Masters of the Universe toyline, I’ve put together the following timeline. It’s generally focused on toy design, drawing dates from concept artwork, internal Mattel documents, patent filings, trademark filings, and even the Masters of the Universe Bible. My goal here is to give readers a sense of how the He-Man toyline developed and evolved. I’ve also included a few dates gleaned from the CPI (Conan Properties International) vs Mattel court cases. I believe this will help put to bed the idea that He-Man started out as a Conan figure. While He-Man was certainly influenced by Conan as depicted by Frank Frazetta, the He-Man project predates Mattel’s work on the Conan property by some time.

I drew on a number of different sources in compiling this information. Those sources include:

This is by no means an exhaustive timeline. I included only those pieces of information that were dated in some way. That includes information from court cases that was assigned an approximate date, like an early 1981 date for Tony Guerrero’s He-Man prototype. That also means that undated material like Mark Taylor’s Demo Man concept or Roger Sweet’s Mekaneck concept are not included in the timeline. I could of course infer dates for this kind of material, but I wanted to avoid guessing and stick to known facts.

I also have stayed away from dates tied to media not directly related to toy production. There are many specific dates available for individual episodes of the Filmation He-Man cartoon, for instance, but that is really outside of the parameters of this particular project.

I have only included a few images of concept designs here – some of them appear in earlier posts in this blog, and almost all of them appear in the sources I drew from. Unfortunately it would not be practical to try to include all of them in this post.

Finally, I’ve included some names that were listed in the Masters of the Universe Bible. The Bible itself is dated December 1, 1982, which gives us an early (if not exact) date for at least the conceptual existence of characters like Orko (or Gorpo, as he was first named) and Jitsu (or Chopper).

Update: on December 28, 2022, I updated this post with additional dates from previous research. That includes “first use in commerce” dates from the US Trademark office, which they say means:

“A date of first use in commerce is the date when (1) the goods were first sold or transported, or the services were first rendered, under the mark in a type of commerce that may be lawfully regulated by the U.S. Congress (such as interstate commerce or commerce between the United States and a foreign country), and (2) such use was bona fide and in the ordinary course of trade.”

Update 2: On January 1, 2023 I added first newspaper ad appearance dates from this article.

Update 3 (May 26, 2023): I recently noticed in a 2015 Slashfilm article about the MOTU toyline and movie, one of the people they interviewed was Joe Morrison, an EVP of Marketing at Mattel. Joe is quoted as saying:

When we got the go-ahead from management to do the original toy line, we put in an estimate of, like, $12 million in sales. Well, we didn’t even release the toy until May of that year and we wound up doing $32 million. These were significant numbers in 1982.

This supports the data that I’ve been finding that all points to a May 1982 release date for the Masters of the Universe toyline.

Update 4 (Jan 24, 2025): I’m adding some color/shading coding to the list. In hindsight I think “first use in commerce” dates that were filed are somewhat vague and arbitrary. The most meaningful dates are concept art dates, certain key document and event dates, and the earliest newspaper ad dates. Most important dates will be bolded, least important dates in gray, and everything else in regular text. Oh, and I’ll color the dates related to the Conan license in blue, to easily distinguish them from the He-Man material.


“King of Styx” – illustration for a short story by Mark Taylor. Some elements later reused for Skeletor. Image courtesy of Rebecca Salari Taylor
  • 1971: “The King of Styx” concept, by Mark Taylor


Torak, by Mark Taylor – 1979. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation
  • 1979: First Castle Grayskull sketch, by Mark Taylor
  • 1979: Torak (precursor to He-Man) sketch, by Mark Taylor
  • 08/15/1979: Category Management Teams memo


December 1980: Roger Sweet’s “He-Man” trio; the barbarian figure was based on designs by Mark Taylor. Image via the Power and the Honor Foundation.
  • 05/22/1980: Fantasy Make Believe idea disclosure form
  • 06/11/1980: Male Action Figure attributes list
  • 09/08/1980: Figure Attributes list
  • 09/21/1980: Space/Monster/Fantasy Figures budgeted hours form
  • 11/03/1980: Megaton Man project request form
  • 11/??/1980: Work started on “He-Man trio”, Roger Sweet; Barbarian He-Man based on illustration by Mark Taylor (late November)
  • 12/??/1980: He-Man trio presented at Mattel Product Conference (mid-December)
  • 12/30/1980: He-Man Characters & Accessories idea disclosure form


Tony Guerrero’s early 1981 He-Man prototype. Image source: Tomart’s Action Figure Digest.
  • ??/??/1981: Bird Man (Stratos) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Mer-Man concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Castle Grayskull concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Battle Cat concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Sensor (Zodac) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Battle Tester/Combat Trainer concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Heroic Figure (He-Man) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1981: Heroic Figure (He-Man) battles plant monster concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 01/06/1981: He-Man Vehicles and Accessories idea disclosure form (modular vehicles)
  • 01/23/1981: Drawing by Colin Bailey depicting Mark Taylor working on He-Man project
  • 03/30/1981: De-Man (Skeletor) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 04/01/1981: Man-At-Arms concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 04/02/1981: Tree Man (Beast Man) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 04/06/1981: He-Man (tan boots) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 04/07/1981: Battle Ram (tank treads version) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 04/27/1981: Revised Battle Ram concept art drawings, by Ted Mayer
  • 05/03/1981: He-Man (red/yellow boots) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 05/20/1981: Skull Castle (Castle Grayskull) Weapons Rack & Weapons by Mark Taylor
  • 05/28/1981: Female Warrior (Teela) concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 05/28/1981: Battle Ram control drawing, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/03/1981: Sorceress concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 06/05/1981: Battle Chariot concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/??/1981: He-Man designed by this month, per CPI vs Mattel lawsuit
  • 07/09/1981: Draft Skeletor toy head design document
  • 07/14/1981: Memorandum discussing Mattel’s presentation of He-Man to Toys ‘R’ Us
  • 08/10/1981: Attak Trak mechanism patent filed (non-Mattel)
  • 09/16/1981: Mer-Man sword design concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 09/30/1981: “Proprietary Line Concepts” document (Megaton Man, Kid Gallant, Robin & The Space Hoods, Monster Fantasy/He-Man)
  • 11/28/1981: King of Castle Grayskull published per copyright records
  • 11/28/1981: He-Man and the Power Sword published per copyright records
  • 11/28/1981: The Vengeance of Skeletor published per copyright records
  • 12/08/1981: Filmation animated commercial retakes shot
  • 12/14/1981: He-Man trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Teela trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Man-At-Arms trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Stratos trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Wind Raider trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Battle Ram trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Beast Man trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Mer-Man trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Zodac trademarked
  • 12/14/1981: Masters of the Universe trademarked
  • 12/21/1981: Battle Cat trademarked
  • 12/21/1981: Castle Grayskull Trap Door patent filed


Attak Trak concept drawing, by Ted Mayer – Mark 23, 1982. Image courtesy of Ted Mayer
  • ??/??/1982: Gargo/Gargoyle dragon concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1982: Ram Man concept, by Mark Taylor
  • ??/??/1982: Man-E-Faces concept, by Mark Taylor
  • 01/15/1982: Castle Grayskull trademarked
  • 01/15/1982: Skeletor trademarked
  • 02/17/1982: Mattel introduces new “Masters of the Universe” toy line at Toy Fair
  • 03/01/1982: Rebate offer date in first mini comic (earliest purchase date)
  • 03/04/1982: Attak Trak control drawing, by Ted Mayer
  • 03/23/1982: Attak Trak concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 04/08/1982: DC Comics: From Eternia With Death! street date. Cover date: July 1982
  • 05/??/1982: Masters of the Universe toyline released this month, per Mattel EVP Joe Morrison
  • 05/13/1982: Earliest known newspaper ad for MOTU
  • 05/13/1982: First Skeletor newspaper ad
  • 05/13/1982: First Man-At-Arms newspaper ad
  • 05/13/1982: First He-Man newspaper ad
  • 05/13/1982: First Beast Man newspaper ad
  • 05/21/1982: Trap Jaw concept, by Colin Bailey
  • 06/03/1982: First Battle Ram newspaper ad
  • 06/03/1982: First Battle Cat newspaper ad
  • 06/03/1982: First Castle Grayskull newspaper ad (“Castle Grey Skull”)
  • 06/03/1982: First Stratos newspaper ad (pictured, not named)
  • 06/03/1982: First Zodac newspaper ad (pictured, not named)
  • 06/09/1982: First Teela newspaper ad
  • 06/18/1982: First Stratos newspaper ad (mentioned by name)
  • 07/??/1982: Wasp Man (Buzz-Off) concept, by Colin Bailey
  • 07/??/1982: Lizard Man (Whiplash) concept, by Colin Bailey
  • 07/22/1982: First Wind Raider newspaper ad
  • 08/08/1982: First Mer-Man newspaper ad (mentioned by name)
  • 08/08/1982: First Zodac newspaper ad (mentioned by name)
  • 08/26/1982: DC Comics Fate Is The Killer street date. Cover date: November 1982
  • 09/xx/1982 – 12/xx/1982: Masters of the Universe Figures TV ads
  • 09/xx/1982 – 12/xx/1982: Masters of the Universe Castle Grayskull TV ads
  • 09/xx/1982 – 12/xx/1982: Masters of the Universe DC Comics scheduled run
  • 09/27/1982: Attak Trak trademarked
  • 09/27/1982: Man-E-Faces trademarked
  • 09/27/1982: Point Dread & The Talon Fighter trademarked
  • 09/27/1982: Ram Man trademarked
  • 09/27/1982: Trap Jaw trademarked
  • 09/27/1982: Zoar trademarked
  • 10/01/1982 – 12/21/1982: “Masters of the Universe Collection” TV ads
  • 10/05/1982: Sultra (Evil-Lyn) concept, by Colin Bailey
  • 10/14/1982: DC Comics The Key To Castle Grayskull street date. Cover date: January 1983
  • 10/19/1982: Black Widow (Webstor) concept art, by Roger Sweet
  • 10/25/1982: Castle Grayskull copyright registered
  • 10/26/1982: Teela copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Battle Ram copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Beast Man copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: He-Man copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Man-At-Arms copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Mer-Man copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Skeletor copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Stratos copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Wind Raider copyright registered
  • 11/04/1982: Zodac copyright registered
  • 11/11/1982: DC Comics Within These Walls… Armageddon! street date. Cover date: February 1983
  • 12/01/1982: Masters of the Universe Bible created. First ever character/place mentions include: Marlena, Tri-Klops, Snake Mountain, Panthor, Gorpo, Delora, Ram Man, Spy Man, Bugoff (Buzz-Off), Tri-Trak, Roton, Faker, Black Widow (Webstor) Fang Man, Chopper (Jitsu) Tornado Traveler, War Sled (evil Battle Ram), Grinder vehicle
  • 12/07/1982: King of Castle Grayskull copyright registered
  • 12/08/1982: He-Man and the Power Sword copyright registered
  • 12/10/1982: Tri-Klops trademarked
  • 12/28/1982: The Vengeance of Skeletor copyright registered


Dragon Walker concept by Ed Watts, 1983. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation.
  • 01/21/1983: Evil-Lyn trademarked
  • 01/21/1983: Heroic Warriors trademarked
  • 01/21/1983: Evil Warriors trademarked
  • 02/16/1983: Panthor trademarked
  • 02/16/1983: Screeech trademarked
  • 02/20/1983: First Man-E-Faces newspaper ad
  • 02/22/1983: Battle Cat copyright registered
  • 02/25/1983: Ram Man copyright registered
  • 02/25/1983: Man-E-Faces copyright registered
  • 03/28/1983: First “Buy 3 Get 1 Free” offer ad (Wun-Dar aka Savage He-Man aka Wonder Bread He-Man)
  • 04/04/1983: Attak Trak copyright registered
  • 04/04/1983: Faker copyright registered
  • 04/17/1983: First Faker newspaper ad
  • 05/11/1983: First Ram Man newspaper ad
  • 05/23/1983: Prince Adam trademarked
  • 05/25/1983: Faker trademarked
  • 05/25/1983: Point Dread trademarked
  • 05/25/1983: Talon Fighter trademarked
  • 06/21/1983: Evil-Lyn copyright registered
  • 06/30/1983: First Evil-Lyn newspaper ad
  • 06/30/1983: First Tri-Klops newspaper ad
  • 07/15/1983: First Attak Trak newspaper ad
  • 08/04/1983: First Talon Fighter newspaper ad
  • 08/15/1983: Snake Mountain trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Battle For Eternia trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Buzz-Off trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Clawful trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Fisto trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Jitsu trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Mekaneck trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Road Ripper trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Roton trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Stridor trademarked
  • 08/22/1983: Whiplash trademarked
  • 08/28/1983: First Trap Jaw newspaper ad
  • 09/05/1983: Filmation He-Man cartoon debuts (UK)
  • 09/17/1983: Gyro (early Roton) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/19/1983: Filmation He-Man cartoon debuts (US) according to newspaper TV schedules
  • 09/19/1983: Spider Attack Vehicle (early Spydor) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/19/1983: Ball Buster (early Bashasaurus) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/21/1983: First Screeech newspaper ad (spelled “Screech”)
  • 09/22/1983: Zap ‘N’ Go vehicle concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 09/22/1983: First Panthor newspaper ad
  • 09/23/1983: First Zoar newspaper ad
  • 09/26/1983: Dungeon concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 09/29/1983: Vehicle Launcher (very early Road Ripper) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 11/18/1983: Masters Playset (two towers) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 12/05/1983: Early Fright Zone concept, by Ed Watts
  • 12/05/1983: Webstor trademarked
  • 12/08/1983: Dragon concept, by Ed Watts
  • 12/08/1983: Dragon concept (without helmet), by Ed Watts
  • 12/08/1983: Flying Fists He-Man/Battle Armor He-Man concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 12/14/1983: First Mekaneck newspaper ad
  • 12/28/1983: Trap Jaw copyright registered
  • 12/29/1983: Mekaneck patent filed
  • 12/29/1983: Battle Armor He-Man patent filed
  • 1983: Dragon Walker concept, by Ed Watts
  • 1983: Snake Mountain packaging sketch, by William George
  • 1983: Dragon Walker with Land Shark packaging sketch, by William George


Torton, by Ed Watts – February 9, 1984. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation
  • 01/10/1984: Dragon Walker patent filed
  • 01/13/1984: Tri-Klops copyright registered
  • 01/25/1984: First Road Ripper newspaper ad
  • 01/27/1984: Battle Armor trademarked
  • 01/27/1984: Kobra Khan trademarked
  • 01/27/1984: The Fright Zone trademarked
  • 02/09/1984: Torton concept, by Ed Watts
  • 02/16/1984: Road Ripper copyright registered
  • 03/11/1984: First Battle Armor He-Man newspaper ad
  • 03/11/1984: First Battle Armor Skeletor newspaper ad
  • 03/11/1984: First Roton newspaper ad
  • 03/22/1984: First Prince Adam newspaper ad
  • 03/22/1984: First Orko appearance in stores (costumed actor- unclear if that means toy was available)
  • 03/29/1984: Hordak concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 04/20/1984: Point Dread & Talon Fighter copyright registered
  • 04/20/1984: Roton copyright registered
  • 04/28/1984: First Buzz-Off newspaper ad
  • 04/28/1984: First Whiplash newspaper ad
  • 04/30/1984: Mekaneck copyright registered
  • 04/30/1984: Stridor copyright registered
  • 05/07/1984: Buzz-Off copyright registered
  • 05/07/1984: Whiplash copyright registered
  • 05/11/1984: First Dragon Walker newspaper ad
  • 05/15/1984: Battle Armor He-Man copyright registered
  • 06/01/1984: Horned helmet warrior woman concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/03/1984: TM action figure concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/03/1984: First Snake Mountain newspaper ad
  • 06/03/1984: First Stridor newspaper ad
  • 06/06/1984: Modular Man (Multi-Bot) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/07/1984: Horde Octopus Woman (Octavia) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/15/1984: Snout Spout concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/15/1984: Dragon Walker copyright registered
  • 06/18/1984: Walking skull vehicle concept, by Jim Keifer
  • 06/19/1984: Early Megator concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/06/1984: Chest cannon He-Man concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/06/1984: Multi-Bot concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/07/1984: Chest monster Skeletor concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/07/1984: Transparent Man (Roboto) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/07/1984: Jester figure (Acrobad) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Vulture figure concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Rotary Man (early Hurricane Hordak) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Horde Mummy concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Stilt Stalkers concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Helicopter accessory and Claw Climbing accessory concepts,, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/08/1984: Jet Sled (close to final) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/09/1984: Handsome and Basher concepts, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/10/1984: Megalaser concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/10/1984: Octavia (colored) concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/12/1984: Tung Lashor concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/13/1984: Snout Spout concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 07/13/1984: Masters Gigor concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Fright Fighter Concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Mantor (Mantisaur) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Battle For Eternia game concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Attack Pose Panthor concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Dart (Laser Bolt) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/13/1984: Ted Mayer unproduced concepts: Big Foot, Snowman, Green Witch, Archer Woman
  • 07/13/1984: Ed Watts unproduced concepts: Cyclo Marauder, War Wing, Monster Walker, Dungeon, Tyroar, Disc Blaster
  • 07/15/1984: Turbosaurus (early Gigantosaur) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 07/16/1984: Weapons Factory concept, by Jim Keifer
  • 07/22/1984: Land Shark & Battle Armor Skeletor packaging sketch, by William George
  • 08/03/1984: First Fisto newspaper ad
  • 09/09/1984: First Webstor newspaper ad
  • 09/10/1984: Grizzlor trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Hordak trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: The Horde trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Land Shark trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Leech trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Mantenna trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Spikor trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Spydor trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Stinkor trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Thunder Punch trademarked
  • 09/10/1984: Two Bad trademarked
  • 09/15/1984: Canyon Hopper concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/18/1984: Motorized walking monster armor concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/24/1984: Dragon Fly (Fright Fighter) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 09/27/1984: First Weapons Pak newspaper ad
  • 09/27/1984: First Clawful (misspelled “Clawfall”) newspaper ad
  • 09/29/1984: Transforming figure concept, by Ed Watts
  • 10/03/1984: Firepower Man (Rio Blast) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 10/12/1984: Clawful and Buzz-Off mentioned as popular toys in newspaper story
  • 10/24/1984: First Kobra Khan newspaper ad
  • 10/25/1984: First Orko newspaper ad (actual toy)
  • 11/13/1984: Land Shark patent filed
  • 11/18/1984: First Jitsu newspaper ad
  • 11/23/1984: Bashasaurus trademarked
  • 11/23/1984: Night Stalker trademarked
  • 11/23/1984: The Evil Horde trademarked
  • 11/29/1984: Battle Armor Skeletor copyright registered
  • 12/01/1984: Engine Man (Dragstor) concept, by Ed Watts
  • 12/14/1984: Battle Bones patent filed
  • 12/14/1984: Sy-Klone patent filed
  • 12/17/1984: Mantenna patent filed
  • 12/19/1984: Dragon Blaster trademarked
  • 12/19/1984: Modulok trademarked
  • 12/19/1984: Moss Man trademarked
  • 12/24/1984: Two Bad patent filed
  • 12/24/1984: Jitsu copyright registered
  • 12/24/1984: Kobra Khan copyright registered
  • 12/24/1984: Clawful copyright registered
  • 12/24/1984: Webstor copyright registered
  • 12/28/1984: Battle Bones trademarked
  • ??/??/1984: Mantisaur concept variations/for “New Ventures”
  • ??/??/1984: Battle Armor Skeletor & Panthor packaging sketch, by William George
  • ??/??/1984: Dragon Blaster Skeletor packaging sketch, by William George
  • ??/??/1984: Jaws I, Jaws III, various unproduced concept vehicles for “New Ventures”


Eternia sketch, by Ted Mayer
  • 01/03/1985: Roboto patent filed
  • 01/03/1985: Thunder Punch He-Man patent filed
  • 01/04/1985: Bashasaurus patent filed
  • 01/13/1985: First Land Shark newspaper ad
  • 01/24/1985: First Moss Man newspaper ad
  • 01/24/1985: First Stinkor newspaper ad
  • 01/31/1985: Snake Mountain copyright registered
  • 02/05/1985: Wolf head Eternia concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 02/25/1985: Battle Bones copyright registered
  • 02/26/1985: Early Blast Attak concept, by Mark Jones
  • 02/28/1985: First Roboto newspaper ad
  • 02/28/1985: First Two Bad newspaper ad
  • 02/28/1985: “Tongue Lasher” (Tung Lashor) concept art by Martin Arriola and Pat Dunn
  • 03/04/1985: Pre-Production Early Rio Blast Guns Rough Pencil Concept by John Hollis
  • 03/14/1985: “Tongue Lasher” (Tung Lashor) illustration by John Hollis
  • 03/18/1985: “Tongue Lasher” (Tung Lashor)”Dragonfly Compound Bow” concept art by John Hollis
  • 03/29/1985: Seaman (Scubattack) concept, by Alan Tyler
  • 03/31/1985: First Bashasaurus newspaper ad
  • 03/31/1985: First Battle Bones newspaper ad
  • 04/05/1985: Fright Zone puppet tooling method patent filed
  • 04/18/1985: Heroic Giant (Tytus) concept, by Alan Tyler
  • 04/22/1985: Fisto copyright registered
  • 05/03/1985: Tung Lashor “Dragonfly Compound Bow” concept art by John Hollis
  • 05/22/1985: Land Shark copyright registered
  • 05/22/1985: Bashasaurus copyright registered
  • 05/22/1985: Roboto copyright registered
  • 05/22/1985: Two Bad copyright registered
  • 05/30/1985: First Spikor newspaper ad
  • 06/01/1985: First Spydor newspaper ad
  • 06/14/1985: First Night Stalker newspaper ad
  • 06/14/1985: Laser Bolt trademarked
  • 06/14/1985: Terror Claws trademarked
  • 06/15/1985: Gyrattacker concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 06/17/1985: Flying Fists trademarked
  • 06/17/1985: Rattlor trademarked
  • 06/17/1985: Rokkon trademarked
  • 06/17/1985: Stonedar trademarked
  • 06/17/1985: Sy-Klone trademarked
  • 06/17/1985: Tung Lashor trademarked
  • 06/19/1985: Eternia blueprint by John Hollis
  • 06/24/1985: Slime Pit trademarked
  • 07/08/1985: Spydor patent filed
  • 07/25/1985: Slasher/Punjab concept, by Roger Sweet
  • 08/08/1985: First Dragon Blaster Skeletor newspaper ad (implied)
  • 08/08/1985: First Hordak newspaper ad (costumed actor appearance)
  • 08/08/1985: First Thunder Punch He-Man newspaper ad
  • 08/20/1985: First Grizzlor newspaper ad
  • 08/20/1985: First Hordak newspaper ad (actual toy)
  • 08/20/1985: First Leech newspaper ad
  • 08/20/1985: First Mantenna newspaper ad
  • 08/25/1985: First Dragon Blaster Skeletor newspaper ad (explicitly shown)
  • 08/30/1985: First Sy-Klone newspaper ad
  • 09/04/1985: Triceratops (very early Bionatops) concept, by Mark Jones
  • 09/04/1985: Turbodactyl concept, by Mark Jones
  • 09/09/1985: Horde Slurb concept, by Mark Jones
  • 09/13/1985: Unproduced Alan Tyler concepts: Dragon Lord, Sorcerer, Steel Kill
  • 09/13/1985: Laser Bolt patent filed
  • 09/14/1985: First Fright Zone newspaper ad
  • 09/16/1985: Secrets of Grayskull “New Notes” document (Grayskull Tower/King Hiss/etc.)
  • 09/22/1985: Early Jet Sled concept, by Ted Mayer
  • 09/25/1985: Horde Trooper patent filed
  • 09/27/1985: King Hiss patent filed
  • 09/27/1985: Megalaser patent filed
  • 09/28/1985: First Modulok newspaper ad
  • 10/04/1985: Fright Zone patent filed
  • 10/10/1985: Grizzlor copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Mantenna copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Moss Man copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Spikor copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Spydor copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Sy-Klone copyright registered
  • 10/10/1985: Thunder Punch He-Man copyright registered
  • 10/11/1985: Hurricane Hordak patent filed
  • 10/16/1985: Modulok copyright registered
  • 10/17/1985: Secrets of Grayskull Preliminary Story Background (Eternia/King Hiss/etc.)
  • 11/04/1985: Medusa-Man (Snake Face) concept, by David Wolfram
  • 11/12/1985: Horde Trooper trademarked
  • 11/12/1985: Mantisaur trademarked
  • 11/12/1985: Multi-Bot trademarked
  • 11/12/1985: Snake Men trademarked
  • 11/12/1985: Snout Spout trademarked
  • 11/12/1985: Leech copyright registered
  • 11/21/1985: Tyrantisaurus concept, by David Wolfram
  • 11/25/1985: Laser Bolt copyright registered
  • 11/25/1985: Hordak copyright registered
  • 11/25/1985: Fright Zone copyright registered
  • 11/26/1985: Crack-Pot (Blast Attak) concept, by Richard Lepik
  • 12/06/1985: Streak concept, by Alan Tyler
  • 12/12/1985: Blasterhawk trademarked
  • 12/16/1985: Evil Giant (Megator) concept, by Alan Tyler
  • 1985: “The Slime Pit” finished painting, by William George
  • 1985: Hurricane Hordak pencils, by William George
  • 1985: Flying Fists He-Man pencils, by William George


Rokkon/Stonedar patent illustration – filed January 14, 1986
  • 01/09/1986: Extendar trademarked
  • 01/09/1986: Rio Blast trademarked
  • 01/11/1986: First Laser Bolt Newspaper ad
  • 01/11/1986: First Slime Pit Newspaper ad
  • 01/14/1986: Rokkon/Stonedar patent filed
  • 01/15/1986: Triceratops (Bionotops) concept, by David Wolfram
  • 01/17/1986: John Hollis “Terror-Dactyl” (Turbodactyl) concept
  • 02/02/1986: First Rokkon newspaper ad
  • 02/02/1986: First Stonedar newspaper ad
  • 02/11/1986: Rokkon copyright registered
  • 02/11/1986: Stonedar copyright registered
  • 02/12/1986: First Flying Fists He-Man newspaper ad
  • 02/12/1986: First Terror Claws Skeletor newspaper ad
  • 02/21/1986: First King Hiss newspaper ad (figure coming in April)
  • 02/21/1986: First Rattlor newspaper ad (figure coming in April)
  • 02/21/1986: First Tung Lashor newspaper ad (figure coming in April)
  • 03/15/1986: Comet Warriors trademarked
  • 03/21/1986: Battle For Eternia (game) trademarked
  • 03/21/1986: Fright Fighter trademarked
  • 03/21/1985: John Hollis Rio Blast Fold Out Arm Blaster drawing
  • 03/21/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Early Rio Blast Arm Blaster
  • 03/24/1986: Stilt Stalker trademarked
  • 04/16/1985: John Hollis Rio Blast Pre-Production Chest Gun Sketch
  • 04/18/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Rio Blast Backpack Gun and Concept Sketches
  • 04/18/1985: John Hollis Rio Blast Backpack Gun control drawing
  • 04/23/1986: First Dragstor newspaper ad
  • 05/01/1986: First King Hiss newspaper ad (figure listed as available)
  • 05/03/1985: Mike McKittrick Pre-Production Eternia Playset Blueprint of Parts Layout
  • 05/10/1986: First Rattlor newspaper ad (figure listed as available)
  • 05/10/1986: First Tung Lashor newspaper ad (figure listed as available)
  • 05/11/1986: First Mantisaur newspaper ad
  • 05/12/1986: Flying Fists He-Man copyright registered
  • 05/12/1986: Rattlor copyright registered
  • 05/12/1986: Tung Lashor copyright registered
  • 05/12/1986: Mantisaur copyright registered
  • 05/13/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Rio Blast Leg Control Drawing
  • 05/14/1986: The Multiples (heroic) concept, by James McElroy
  • 05/19/1986: Terror Claws Skeletor copyright registered
  • 05/28/1986: Snout Spout copyright registered
  • 05/28/1986: Dragstor copyright registered
  • 06/03/1986: First Blasterhawk newspaper ad
  • 06/09/1986: Tower Tools/Cliff Climber/Scubattack mechanism patent filed
  • 06/12/1985: John Hollis “Snake Tower” Eternia sketch
  • 06/14/1986: Sticky Minions concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/14/1986: Spider People Centiped concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/15/1986: The Multiples (evil) concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/16/1986: Recording Sound Playset concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/18/1986: Spider People Tarantula concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/19/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Near-Final Copy with Color Marker
  • 06/20/1986: The Lockers concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/20/1986: Skeletor Dragon Disguise concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/20/1986: The Slime Monster concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/20/1986: Gwildor concept, by Alan Tyler (based on movie designs)
  • 06/23/1986: Rotar/Twistoid patent filed
  • 06/23/1986: Eternia trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Grayskull (He-Ro early name) trademarked (canceled)
  • 06/23/1986: Jet Sled trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Monstroid trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Buzz-Saw trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Mosquitor trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Sorceress trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Meteorbs trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Cometroid trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Ty-Grrr trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Astro Lion trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Comet Cat trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Tuskor trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Dinosorb trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Crocobite trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Rhinorb trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Orbear trademarked
  • 06/23/1986: Gore-Illa trademarked
  • 06/29/1986: The Optimagic concept, by James McElroy
  • 06/30/1986: The Voice concept, by James McElroy
  • 07/09/1986: Giant Foot Print Trap concept, by James McElroy
  • 07/09/1986: Net Trap concept, by James McElroy
  • 07/13/1986: Gyrattacker patent filed
  • 07/15/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eterna Playset Center Tower Gun Control Drawing
  • 07/18/1986: First Jet Sled newspaper ad
  • 07/18/1986: First Megalaser newspaper ad
  • 07/18/1986: First Stilt Stalkers newspaper ad
  • 07/24/1984: Ed Watts Pre-Production Fright Fighter “Dragonfly” (Fright Fighter) Concept Photo
  • 07/29/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Snake Tower Strut Concept Details
  • 08/02/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Center Tower Strut Drawing
  • 08/04/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Elevator Crank Control Drawing
  • 08/05/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Elevator Lift Platform Blueprint
  • 08/01/1986: King Hiss copyright registered
  • 08/07/1986: Horde Trooper copyright registered
  • 08/15/1985: John Hollis Pre-Production Eternia Playset Grappling Hook Control Drawing
  • 08/18/1986: Slime Pit copyright registered
  • 08/18/1986: Extendar copyright registered
  • 08/22/1986: Rio Blast copyright registered
  • 08/24/1986: First Snout Spout newspaper ad
  • 09/10/1986: First Hurricane Hordak newspaper ad
  • 09/16/1986: Blast Attak patent filed
  • 09/22/1986: Bionotops trademarked
  • 09/22/1986: Gigantisaur trademarked
  • 09/22/1986: Powers of Grayskull trademarked
  • 09/22/1986: Tyrantisaurus Rex trademarked
  • 09/28/1986: First Fright Fighter newspaper ad
  • 10/xx/1986: He-Man military pitch, by Stephen Lee
  • 10/06/1986: Eldor trademarked
  • 10/06/1986: Rotar trademarked
  • 10/06/1986: Turbodactyl trademarked
  • 10/06/1986: Twistoid trademarked
  • 10/06/1986: Tytus trademarked
  • 10/07/1986: Blast-Attak trademarked
  • 10/07/1986: Gwildor trademarked
  • 10/11/1986: First Meteorbs newspaper ad
  • 10/11/1986: First Multi-Bot newspaper ad
  • 10/14/1986: Cliff Climber trademarked
  • 10/14/1986: Scubattack trademarked
  • 10/23/1986: First Monstroid newspaper ad
  • 10/28/1986: Mosquitor copyright registered
  • 10/28/1986: Ninjor copyright registered
  • 10/28/1986: Scare Glow copyright registered
  • 10/28/1986: Sorceress copyright registered
  • 10/28/1986: Sssqueeze copyright registered
  • 11/05/1986: First Extendar newspaper ad
  • 11/05/1986: First Rio Blast newspaper ad
  • 11/08/1986: First Horde Trooper newspaper ad
  • 11/10/1986: Blast-Attak copyright registered
  • 11/17/1986: H.E./M.A.N. concept, by James McElroy
  • 11/23/1986: First Eternia Playset newspaper ad
  • 11/27/1986: First Beam Blaster & Artilleray newspaper ad
  • 11/27/1986: First Mosquitor newspaper ad
  • 11/27/1986: First Ninjor newspaper ad
  • 11/27/1986: First Scare Glow newspaper ad
  • 11/27/1986: First Snake Face newspaper ad
  • 12/09/1986: First Clamp Champ newspaper ad
  • 12/09/1986: First King Randor newspaper ad
  • 12/09/1986: First Faker (reissue) newspaper ad


Megator concept, by Mark Jones, based on Mark Taylor’s Demo-Man concept – 1987. Image source: The Art of He-Man/The Power and the Honor Foundation
  • 01/21/1987: The Evil Horde Slime copyright registered
  • 01/28/1987: Snake Face copyright registered
  • 02/02/1987: Artilleray copyright registered
  • 02/02/1987: Beam Blaster copyright registered
  • 02/02/1987: Blasterhawk copyright registered
  • 03/14/1987: First Tyrantisaurus Rex newspaper ad
  • 03/21/1987: First Blast Attak newspaper ad
  • 03/21/1987: First Sorceress newspaper ad
  • 03/21/1987: First Sssqueeze newspaper ad
  • 04/04/1987: First Bionatops newspaper ad
  • 04/04/1987: First Turbodactyl newspaper ad
  • 04/27/1987: Saurod trademarked
  • 04/27/1987: Megator trademarked
  • 04/28/1987: Bionatops copyright registered
  • 04/28/1987: Turbodactyl copyright registered
  • 05/18/1987: Laser Power He-Man concept art, by David Wolfram, based on design by Martin Arriola
  • 06/22/1987: Regular Bio-Mechazoid Skeletor (early Laser Light) concept, by David Wolfram
  • 07/22/1987: Battle Base concept for live action TV show, by Dave McElroy
  • 08/08/1987: First Blade newspaper ad
  • 08/08/1987: First Gwildor newspaper ad
  • 08/08/1987: First Saurod newspaper ad
  • 08/18/1987: Bio-Mechazoid Skeletor (revised Laser Light) concept, by David Wolfram
  • 10/05/1987: Live action TV show vehicle concepts, by Dave McElroy
  • 10/06/1987: Live action “Harm Arm” TV show vehicle concept, by Dave McElroy
  • 11/11/1987: First Buzz-Saw Hordak newspaper ad
  • 11/11/1987: First Rotar newspaper ad
  • 11/11/1987: First Twistoid newspaper ad
  • ??/??/1987: Megator concept/based on Mark Taylor’s Demo-Man, colored by Mark Jones

Thanks to Shawn for pointing me towards the CPI vs Mattel material.

“Death of Mark Taylor From Night Visitation.” Artwork by Colin Bailey, January 23, 1981. Given to Mark when he was working on his “dark project” (He-Man). Image courtesy of Rebecca Salari Taylor.

Other timelines:

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