
Sears Catalogs: 1982-1987

Many thanks to R.M. Hart for scanning and sharing the following MOTU and She-Ra pages from several Sears catalogs with me so I could share them on the blog!


Notable: striped tail Battle Cat and red dot Man-At-Arms (first release figures)


Notable: first edition “Man-E-Weapons” Man-E-Faces


Notable: Webstor with blue gun


Note the first release “black belt” Leech



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4 thoughts on “Sears Catalogs: 1982-1987

  1. Always fun to look at these! I quite like the sleek designs of those MOTU pajamas on page 193 of the ’85 catalog. And that “Where’s the Beef?” wristwatch has gotta be one of the most ’80s things I’ve ever seen!

    1. They must’ve been in high demand too, at least the Skeletor pair. My parents ordered them two years in a row from these very catalogs and both times got a refund check back. The third year, Sears swapped the Skeletor order for a pair of Big Bird slippers, which I grudgingly accepted. To this day I lament not getting my Skeletor slippers.

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