Production Variants

1982 MOTU Figures: The First Production Run (Part 2)


Written by Adam McCombs

Continued from Part 1!

Because Masters of the Universe figures were produced over many years in a number of different countries, there is no shortage of production variants, some subtly different and some radically different from the norm. In my own collecting, I’ve always gravitated toward the earliest figures released in the US, particularly for the first wave of figures. They tend to have the nicest paint and plastic applications, in my opinion. All of the 1982 lineup was manufactured in Taiwan, except for Castle Grayskull, Battle Ram and Wind Raider, which were initially manufactured in the US. A common term for the very earliest figures in the line is “test market figures”, although the term isn’t usually used for the vehicles or Castle Grayskull.

Much assistance for this article was given by John Oswald, who runs the Lords of Power blog on Facebook. The research of Mantisaur82 and Tokyonever has also been invaluable.

Broad Characteristics

The early Taiwan figures tend to have the sharpest detail and the finest paint applications compared to later reissues. Subsequent releases tend to cut down on the paint applications and sometimes on the sculpted detail. The earliest figures tend to have boots that are painted on using spray paint and a paint mask, which sometimes shows up as unevenness at the boot tops. Later figures seem to use a dipping method. Since this seems to apply to all the early figures (or at least those with painted boots), I won’t mention this when I talk about each individual figure.

On the lower backs of the figures (or in Teela’s case, the lower part of the back of the head) they are stamped © Mattel Inc. 1981 Taiwan. This stamp can also be found on the undersides of the male heads. These figure were released in 1982, but most MOTU figures are stamped the year before they were sold in stores, when the tooling was being created. However, as these Taiwan figures were released in subsequent years, they often retain the 1981 date, albeit sometimes with a slightly larger font.


V1: Blue Beard

The earliest Taiwan Stratos figures have the following characteristics:

  • Blue beard and eyelids
  • Gray goggles
  • Three tabs each strap
  • Short straps

Commonly referred to as “Blue Beard” Stratos, this figure is quite rare and difficult to find. The reason that it’s rare is that it seems to be a factory paint error – early Stratos prototypes all have blue goggles and a gray beard. It seem that the error was caught very quickly, which is why so few of these figures are around. From the beginning, Stratos was available with either blue wings and a red backpack, or red wings and a blue backpack. This continued throughout the production run.

Image source: Carlo. Per Tokyonever, the back of this card is the first release 8-back “test market” card, with no warranty or SKUs listed under the figure names.

V2: Short Strap

The next early run of Taiwan Stratos figures have the following characteristics:

  • Gray beard and eyelids
  • Blue goggles
  • Four tabs each strap
  • Short straps

Even this version of Stratos is a little difficult to find – the subsequent versions with elongated straps seem to be much more numerous. V2 can also be found on the first “no warranty” cards, so the run of Blue Beards must have been VERY limited. Like all US-release versions of Stratos, this one was available in both red and blue wing variants.

“Test market” cards. Image source: Asher99
Short strap (top) vs long strap


The first Taiwan Mer-Man figures have a couple of distinguishing characteristics that are easy to spot:

  • Green belt
  • Short straps on the back of the armor

Subsequent Taiwan releases added the longer straps and eventually omitted the painted belt.

Green (top) vs unpainted orange belt
Short straps (top) vs long straps


Taiwan Teela figures don’t have a ton of obvious variations during the first two years they were produced. The general characteristics are deep red hair and boots and dark red accessories in the figures released from 1982-1983.

However, an extremely rare first issue Teela has recently been discovered by John Oswald, who runs the Lords of Power blog on Facebook. Like the Striped Tail Battle Cat, this variant was probably an early sample used for catalog photographs (and indeed this version shows up in several of them.

V1: Green Snake Eyes Teela

Characteristics include:

  • Painted green eyes on snake armor with “v” pattern
  • Accessories seem almost translucent, like hard candy
  • Dots in eyes are hand painted (uneven)
  • Dark red accessories and deep red hair/boots
  • Marked “© M.I. 1981 Taiwan” on back of neck.
  • Shield slightly deformed on one side
Images via John Oswald
Image from the 1983 Mattel dealer catalog, via John Oswald
Image from 1983 Mattel Department Store Division catalog, courtesy of John Oswald

More common early Taiwan Teela figures generally have the same characteristics as the above example, minus the green snake eyes and the deformed shield.


The earliest Taiwan release of of Zodac has a rather unique looking latch in the back of the armor, in addition to short straps. Subsequent reissues lengthened the straps and gave him a more conventional-looking latch.

First release (top) vs second release

Castle Grayskull

The very first release of Castle Grayskull has a much neater paint pattern on the face, with black applied only within the eyes, nose, and down the center of the helmet. You can see this version in Mattel’s 1982 Wish List catalog. The teeth, helmet, and towers have some green spray applied to them. It’s not clear if this very first version (below) ever made it to consumers, or if it was only made for in product photography.

Image courtesy of John Oswald

It’s also possible this early version came with black string for the elevator, rather than the usual white (first brought to my attention by John Oswald). That’s what’s shown in early catalogs, anyway. The early release castle was manufactured in the USA, and has the following codes stamped on it.

  • Under the entrance: 1162C2
  • Near the handle: © Mattel Inc 1981 USA 3991-2139
  • On the back side of the helmet: 3991-2129 © Mattel Inc 1981 USA
Notice the black string on the elevator.

The next (but still very early) release of the castle, as near as I can tell, is similar to the first release, except the black paint around the eyes and nose is not so carefully applied, and it has a less structured paint pattern on the helmet. Overall there is more overspray across the face and towers.

Both early versions were manufactured in the USA, and have similar codes. The second release castle has the same codes as the first, with the exception of the marking under the entrance. The one in the image above is coded 1812C2.

Both early versions also have a flat turret floor in the shorter of the two towers. On later versions, the floor piece had slots added to hold the laser cannon in place:

As we learned in the MOTU documentary, The Power of Grayskull, factories initially were looking to use some kind of paint mask for Castle Grayskull, but they were instructed by Mattel to do the painting free-hand (presumably to save time and therefore money). As a result, the paint applications seem to be rather haphazard, especially in later editions of the castle.

Early versions of the castle came in a box that featured only the 1982 figures on the back. The artwork here was traced directly from a photo used in Mattel’s 1982 Dealer Catalog:

Starting in 1983, the back of the box was altered to feature cross sell art from both the 1982 and 1983 figures:

Image source: Hake’s Americana

Update: I have some additional information about the first release castle in a separate article.

Battle Ram

The first release Battle Ram was manufactured in the US. I haven’t noticed much if any variation in the US-release Battle Rams other than country code. The first release vehicles are stamped “© Mattel Inc, 1981 U.S.A.”, as shown below:

The first release Battle Ram box shows only the 1982 figures on the back of the packaging:

Starting in 1983, Battle Rams were manufactured in Mexico as well as the US. The Mexico versions omit the country of origin on the copyright stamp, as shown below:


he back of the 1983 packaging features contemporary figures like Trap Jaw and Man-E-Faces. Starting in 1983, the box also features the Rudy Obrero artwork on the bottom as well as the front of the box:

Wind Raider

Like the Battle Ram, the first release Wind Raiders were produced in the US. The back of the packaging shows cross sell art from only 1982 figures. This holds true for both the single release Wind Raider and the He-Man/Wind Raider gift set.

Mexico reissue
Wind Raider box
He-Man/Wind Raider giftset box

The wings on first release Wind Raiders have the following markings (the tail and underside of the vehicle are also stamped USA, and orange plastic is darker than made in Mexico versions of the vehicle):

Starting in 1983, Wind Raiders were manufactured in Mexico as well as the US. The Mexico versions are stamped “Mexico” on the wing tips and the underside of the vehicle. 1983 boxes also feature the Rudy Obrero art on the bottom of the box, and include 1983 figures in the cross sell artwork on the back.

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10 thoughts on “1982 MOTU Figures: The First Production Run (Part 2)

  1. Great detailed article. 🙂
    Reading things like this makes me really kick myself – about 15-20 years ago now, I collected a complete line of the vintage figures (in fact, near enough two complete lines), with only the ultra rare giants and the laser lights figures missing. Anyway, this meant buying up MANY large lots on ebay (before their price had filly gone astronomical) and by which means, I did gain a number of very subtle variants. For example, I had the quite rare early Zodak with alternate latch design on his armor! Sadly, although the MOTU fan community was already well active on-line by that point, such intricate production variants hadn’t really yet been logged or even discovered, and so I know for a fact I let several of those early production variants (including that version of Zodak) go without knowing their worth, slowly selling on my duplicates to save space and fund my collecting of the line!

    Also, I know the varying paintwork on Castle Grayskull has been covered on it’s own entry on this blog, but looking at that photo of the very early production run Grayskull there really shows what a difference paint apps can make – I love it’s more ‘sunken’ eyes, making it look more piercing and sinister without all the heavy black all over. My childhood version of Grayskull (which I still have) looks similar to the second version shown (I’m assuming yours, Battleram) but with more black shading around the base on the “rocks” around the jawbridge and on the rear section. I remember as the years went on the paint jobs got increasingly sloppy, and often losing some of the striking features of the sculpt as a result. I remember a childhood friend of mine who lived a few houses away had a Grayskull that we used to call Mister T, as it had a strong black stripe right over the top of it’s head (akin to Mister T’s mohwak).

    One possible early production variant that has been nagging me for a few years is Mer Man’s sword. I know the vibrancy of the yellow can vary on different example of his accessories over the years (one example I had of the figure had near mustard coloured accessories), but I vaguely recall that some early productions of his sword may have had a extra paint detailing, a sort of light black wash to bring out the sculpt detailing in the crevices of the sword. I’ve tried to read up on this a couple of times and have found nothing; wondering it is actually just my memory playing tricks.

    1. If it helps, the first release Zodac isn’t particularly hard to acquire.

      I haven’t heard of a Mer-Man sword that had a black wash. I do think that the early ones had a darker yellow accessories, but I need to see a direct comparison to be sure. I just have the early one.

      My own castle is indeed like the 2nd version 🙂

  2. Hello, in regards to the “Blue Beard” Stratos, do you happen to know if this figure was available with and without the waist stopper? From what I’ve read here, it seems all of the test-market/V1 figures have waist stoppers. I only ask because I recently acquired a “Blue Beard” Stratos and noticed that his power punch feature is what you would commonly find on most MOTU figures, he swings side to side before stopping, he doesn’t have a waist stopper. Just curious, because given the rarity and early production run of this particular figure, I assumed it would have the waist stopper function. Could be a head swap, but not really sure. Any info would be helpful and appreciated, thanks!

    1. I think it should have a waist stopper. Some waist stoppers do seem to wear out over time, or it could have had the head swapped as you suggest. But, since Stratos came out halfway through 1982 in the second half of the wave, it’s possible some non-modified versions made it through without the waist stopper. My sample sizes are very small here, so I have to extrapolate as best I can. 🙂

      I THINK the Blue Beard also tends to have a darker gray plastic on the body – you can try to compare it with a standard figure.

      1. Hey Adam, sorry I didn’t see this sooner. Interesting, I wasn’t sure if there were any other ways to tell if it was a test-market/V1 Stratos other than having a waist stopper and the obvious beard/goggles color, but since you mention it, the gray is darker on the earlier version. It also has sharper detail on the body hair and abs. Luckily I had a few extra Stratos to compare, and sure enough, the V1 with stopper is darker than V2 with standard waist action. I can only assume this was a head swap, so I’m just going to swap the head onto the correct body with the stopper. The figure also came with the 3-tab jet pack, so thankfully I will have a 100% complete Blue Beard Stratos once I compete the head swap. Thanks again Adam, I appreciate the helpful information!

  3. Today I learned, the arms actually have numbers stamped of the inside of them when you pull them off as well, which should line up closer with the number stampings on armor and weapons!

    I’m building a 1st release set, this knowledge makes it waaaaay harder. Lol

  4. Hi! Can someone prove me wrong?? 😊
    I have an issue concerning the “waist stopper” as a sign of pre warranty release.

    I currently have 2 1981 Taiwan red dot MAA figures. Neither have the waist stopper.
    My 1982 MAA figure has it.
    My 1981 heman with deformed belly button sprayed boots , low numbers stamps on parts and arms, and proper paint does NOT have it
    My later release figure with dipped legs an no belly button has the waist stopper.

    Same with peach cheeks half boot skelly.

    I feel like the waist stopper is so intermittently used it’s not a good indicator (unless this has been confirmed be someone committing a sin and opening carded ones to check.

  5. Found a zodac armor with the original latch system but long straps? Any input on that maybe an early reissue before changing the latch to the normal style?

    1. Hi Mike, interesting find! Yes, that could be a “transition” piece. There are several transition versions of Skeletor, for example, from original half boots/purple trunks/orange cheeks to full boots/black trunks/corrected cheeks. So that might be something similar – there seem to be lots of little running adjustments to the figures.

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