Evil Warriors, Heroic Warriors, Lords of Power

Power-Con 2020 “Lords of Power” Five-Pack

Written by Adam McCombs

The Masters of the Universe Origins exclusive Power-Con “Lord of Power” five pack was announced in 2019 as an exclusive for the 2020 Power-Con. Little did we know that COVID-19 would cancel just about every large gathering for 2020. Power-Con was, for the first, time held virtually this year. The 5-pack (as well as an exclusive MOTU Origins She-Ra with rooted hair) could be ordered by anyone either through the Power-Con website or through Big Bad Toy Store.

So what’s this Lords of Power business? Back in 2017, a rather incredible set of pictures surfaced, showing early Masters of the Universe prototypes, which were called “Lords of Power” at the time. Shared by Andy Youssi (son of freelance display artist John Youssi) these images come from a collection of slides set in a View-Master-like apparatus. The prototypes were in several cases quite different from the final toys, and were designed by Mark Taylor and sculpted by Tony Guerrero. You can read all about it in the article I wrote about it at the time.

The packaging for the set was gorgeously illustrated by Axel Giménez with colors by Nate Baertsch. It ships in a brown external box, with a scene on the front inspired by promotional artwork by Errol McCarthy. The illustrations on the back are a nod to cross sell artwork by Alfredo Alcala that appeared on the backs of the first four minicomics. Jukka Issakainen notes that the poses of the five characters are also loosely based on Mark Taylor’s original B-sheet concept art.

The internal packaging is based on vintage action figure carrying cases. The front of the packaging is a color version of the front of the brown mailer box:

The back of the packaging shows the other three figures included in the set:

Update 10/29/2022: Axel recently posted an early version of the art that included a concept version of Stratos:

Inside the case, the figures are set in clear plastic inserts, in battle poses. I couldn’t quite capture them adequately on camera due to the reflection from the plastic, so here is a promotional image from Mattel:

Freed from their plastic prisons

The artwork inside is a homage to various panels from the original Alfredo Alcala/Don Glut minicomics. Beast Man’s pose in packaging is even based on that material:

The vehicle in Man-At-Arms’ section is based on on old Mark Taylor prototype vehicle, designed before he brought in Ted Mayer to design vehicles like Battle Ram and Wind Raider:

Image shared by Axel Giménez
Early Alfredo Alcala comic panel, featuring the prototype vehicle.
Mark Taylor concept vehicle. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation

The bottom of the case features credits for the various toy and packaging designers who worked on this project:

And now, on to the figures!


With He-Man, we’re essentially getting a repaint of the 2019 SDCC exclusive release, but without the boot knife and with fewer extras. For all of these figures there are a few liberties taken compared to the source material. The concept He-Man referenced was a bit paler than the mass produced He-Man, but he wasn’t quite this pale. He had a rather different axe (which was ported over from an earlier He-Man prototype that featured a horned helmet) and a closed left hand and no bracer on the left wrist. Otherwise the colors of his costume here are spot on. The head on this He-Man is probably the most authentic-looking He-Man head in the MOTU origins series so far.

The source material
Mark Taylor B-Sheet. Image source: The Power and the Honor Foundation
Left to right: 2019 SDCC release, 2020 Power-Con release, 2020 retail release
Vintage (left) verses Power-Con release


Skeletor features a few new parts compared to the 2019 MOTU Origins release – he has an all-new head based on the “rotting face” original Skeletor prototype. He also has shin guards that appeared both in the prototype and in Alfredo Alcala-illustrated minicomics. The bat on his armor is painted yellow/green, which follows from both prototype and concept art. Unlike the prototype, this Skeletor features finned forearms (an oversight I assume – smooth forearms were already tooled for some of the Masters of the WWE figures and could have easily been used) and bare three-toed feet (the concept had bare five-toed feet). He has paler skin compared to the retail release MOTU Origins Skeletor, which in my opinion is an improvement.

Lords of Power prototypes
Mark Taylor B-sheet
The early Skeletor prototype, down to the rotting face, is preserved in the 1982 MOTU Pop-Up Game
Retail (left) vs. Power-Con release
Vintage (left) vs. Power-Con release


Man-At-Arms is a fairly close representation of the prototype source material overall. He has newly sculpted chest armor with “fur” around the sides and a closed back, just like the prototype. The helmet is a pretty good representation of the prototype, minus a few stray paint details. His face is based on the vintage toy, where the prototype’s face was actually quite different. He reuses the left hand from Man-E-Faces to represent the extended orange armor on the prototype’s left hand. He also includes the large mace that was originally sculpted for the Masters of the Universe Classics Man-At-Arms. He includes a boot knife, which wasn’t in the prototype but was included in Mark Taylor’s original concept art.

High res face comparison. Image shared by Dušan Mitrović
Mark Taylor B-Sheet
Retail release (left) vs. Power-Con release
Power-Con release vs. vintage figure (right)

Beast Man

Beast Man is quite different from any version of the toy that’s been released, past or present. The Lords of Power slide set was the first time we had seen a physical representation of the design. It’s based on very early Mark Taylor concept art for the character, which seems to have been made with reuse of the Big Jim Gorilla in mind (ultimately it wasn’t used for the prototype).

The overall colors and costume design for the Power-Con release are quite close to the prototype. The main liberty taken is with the feet, which are the quite flat, detail-free feet used in the retail version of MOTU Origins Beast Man. The prototype, by comparison, had sculpted toes. Additionally, the proportions of the prototype head were somewhat different, but the head on the Power-Con release gets the idea across.

Original prototypes
Mark Taylor concept art
Mark Taylor concept art – a different color take (image shared by Rebecca Salari Taylor)
The early Beast Man prototype is preserved in this 1982 MOTU Pop-Up Game
Retail release (left) vs Power-Con version
Vintage release (left) vs. Power-Con version


Of all the figures in this set, I was the most excited for Mer-Man. We knew of this version from childhood because it appeared prominently in the original Alfredo Alcala minicomics. This concept design has long been one of my favorites, along with the cross-sell art version of Mer-Man, which was a modified version of that original concept. The Power-Con release, sculpt-wise, is quite close to the prototype. There are only a few minor differences.

The first difference is in the hands, which have five fingers rather than four, and reuse He-Man’s hands rather than Skeletor’s (I assume because He-Man’s left hand has flat, splayed fingers, so at least the pose of the original prototype can be replicated).

The armor is also a bit different – the sections that lay over over the shoulders seem like a nod to the vintage figure design rather than the concept design. The trunks are the smooth style reused from the Masters of the WWE line. The original had scales all around – this version for some reason has what looks like bubbles printed front and back. Printed scales would have been more appropriate. The original prototype also seems to have had darker coloring throughout the armor.

The difference that stands out the most is the coloring – it’s a dark blue-green, which may be a nod to Mark Taylor’s original B-sheet art. The original prototype had a much lighter blue-green color. Still, he’s a quite striking and beautiful figure (I nitpick my favorite figures the most):

Original prototypes
Mark Taylor B-sheet
Vintage Mer-Man (left) vs Power-Con release

This set certainly wasn’t cheap – as you may know, exclusives are produced in far lower numbers than retail figures, which drastically drives up the cost per figure. Still, if you’re a big fan of early prototypes and minicomics, these are a must have. This was the kind of figure I had in mind when the line was announced (like many others, I had the idea that “MOTU Origins” was a reference to early concept/minicomic designs, especially since the first two figures released in the SDCC two-pack were in that style). A suggestion for a future set: Oo-Larr, Sorceress (aka “Green Goddess”), blonde Teela, red Beast Man, and tan Stratos! A full “Alcala” style Skeletor would also be great!

I hope you enjoyed the review – here are some additional shots to close things out:

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Early MOTU Newspaper Ads (Part 3)

by Adam McCombs

If you look through newspaper archives for Masters of the Universe advertising, you see a steady evolution of the size and sophistication of posted ads. In the first year of the line, most of the ads took up little space on the page and relied mainly on cross sell, license kit, and line art. Later ads would include more photos and take up much more print area.

In Part 1, I posted every unique ad I could find from May (the earliest month for which I could find ads) until the end of September 1982. In Part 2 I showed ads from October and part of November. In this final installment I’ll be showing ads finishing out the rest of 1982. There’s also a bonus MOTU-related Christmas article at the end of the series. Enjoy!

Iowa City Press Citizen, November 17, 1982:

Kenosha New, November 17, 1982:

Daily News, November 18, 1982:

Herald and Review, November 18, 1982:

The Sacramento Bee, November 18, 1982:

Daily News, November 19, 1982:

Daily News, November 21, 1982:

Hattiesburg American, November 21, 1982:

Herald and Review, November 21, 1982:

Stevens Point Journal, November 24, 1982:

The Daily Oklahoman, November 24, 1982:

Santa Maria Times, November 25, 1982:

St. Joseph News Press Gazette. November 25, 1982:

The Boston Globe, November 25, 1982:

The Daily Herald, November 25, 1982:

Sunday News, November 28, 1982:

Daily News, December 2, 1982:

The Evening Sun, December 3, 1982:

The Morning Call, December 3, 1982:

Tucson Citizen, December 3, 1982:

The Miami Herald, December 4, 1982:

Dayton Daily News, December 5, 1982:

Albuquerque Journal, December 8, 1982:

Star Tribune, December 8, 1982:

The Capital Times, December 8, 1982:

The Dispatch, December 8, 1982:

Daily News, December 9, 1982:

Intelligencer Journal, December 9, 1982:

The Morning Call, December 9, 1982:

Wisconsin State Journal, December 9, 1982:

Tallahassee Democrat, December 12, 1982:

The Daily Advertiser, December 16, 1982:

The Arizona Republic, December 22, 1982:


This feature in the December 4th issue of The New Mexican talks about the hottest selling toys of 1982 Christmas season. The back of the first edition Castle Grayskull box is shown prominently:

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Early MOTU Newspaper Ads (Part 2)

by Adam McCombs

If you look through newspaper archives for Masters of the Universe advertising, you see a steady evolution of the size and sophistication of posted ads. In the first year of the line, most of the ads took up little space on the page and relied mainly on cross sell, license kit, and line art. Later ads would include more photos and take up much more space.

In Part 1, I posted every unique ad I could find from May (the earliest month for which I could find ads) until the end of September 1982. In Part 2 I am showing ads from October and part of November. The volume of ads picked up some steam the last two months of the year, so I will have to do this series in three parts, rather than two, as I had planned.

Citizen’s Voice, October 2, 1982:

The Charlotte Observer, October 3, 1982:

Fort Worth Star Telegram, October 10, 1982:

Public Opinion, October 14, 1982:

Chicago Tribune, Oct 15, 1982:

Lansing State Journal, October 17, 1982:

The Sacramento Bee, October 20, 1982:

The Daily Oklahoman, October 21, 1982:

Albuquerque Journal, October 24, 1982:

The Miami Herald, October 24, 1982:

The Times, October 24, 1982:

The Sheboygan Press, October 29, 1982:

Times Advocate, October 31, 1982:

El Paso Times, November 1, 1982:

The Morning Call, November 2, 1982:

Austin American Statesman, November 3, 1982:

The Ottawa Citizen. November 3, 1982:

Alabama Journal, November 4, 1982:

Daily News, November 4, 1982:

The Journal Herald, November 4, 1982:

The Montgomery Advertiser, November 5, 1982:

Fort Lauderdale News, November 7, 1982:

The Akron Beacon Journal, November 7, 1982:

The Miami Herald, November 7, 1982:

The Orlando Sentinel, November 7, 1982:

The Spokesman Review, November 8, 1982:

The Ottawa Citizen, November 9, 1982:

Iowa City Press Citizen, November 10, 1982:

The Morning Call, October 10, 1982:

Longview News Journal, November 11, 1982:

The Cincinnati Enquirer, November 13, 1982:

Abbeville Meridional, November 14, 1982:

St. Louis Post Dispatch, November 14, 1982:

Sunday News, November 14 1982:

The Marion Star, November 14, 1982:

Victoria Advocate, November 14, 1982:

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Early MOTU Newspaper Ads (Part 1)

by Adam McCombs

If you look through newspaper archives for Masters of the Universe advertising, you see a steady evolution of the size and sophistication of posted ads. In the first year of the line, most of the ads took up little space on the page and relied mainly on cross sell, license kit, and line art. Later ads would include more photos and take up much more space.

In this post I’d like to show a sample of the 1982 ads I could find. In Part 1, I’ll show every unique ad I could find from May (the earliest month for which I could find ads) until the end of September 1982. In Part 2 I’ll finish off the year with October through December ads. I hope you enjoy!

Daily News, May 13, 1982:

Daily News, June 9, 1982:

Daily News, June 13, 1982 (note the prototype Teela figure):

The Central New Jersey Home News, June 18, 1982:

The Chico Enterprise Record, June 23, 1982:

The San Francisco Examiner, July 7, 1982:

The Daily Breeze, July 11 1982:

Reno Gazette Journal, July 21, 1982:

Herald and Review, July 21, 1982:

Courier Post, July 22, 1982:

Standard Speaker, July 26, 1982:

The News Journal, July 29, 1982:

Citizens Voice, August 3, 1982:

Standard Speaker, August 5, 1982:

Star Tribune, August 12, 1982:

St. Cloud Times, August 16, 1982:

The Herald Palladium, August 16, 1982:

Lansing State Journal, August 16, 1982:

The Daily Register, August 17, 1982:

Fort Worth Star Telegram: August 26, 1982:

Chicago Tribune, August 26, 1982

The Morning Call, August 27, 1982:

The Spokesman Review, August 30, 1982:

Chicago Tribune, September 5, 1982:

The Orlando Sentinel, September 8, 1982:

The Charlotte Observer, September 12, 1982:

Asbury Park Press, September 19, 1982:

The Daily Journal, September 23, 1982:

The Daily Item, September 30, 1982:

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