Commercials, Videos

He-Man commercials in German and Italian

by Adam McCombs

I’ve got a lot of affection for the television commercials produced for Masters of the Universe toyline. From the 1982 to 1985, they all had the primordial chant in the background – “He-Man, He-Man!” The tone changed somewhat in 1986, when a futuristic synth score replaced the caveman chant, but even then they were great. The commercials always had great dioramas and were a blueprint for a thousand sandbox adventures.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to know how many ads were produced. They pop up on YouTube as they are found, but there is no definitive list.

Recently I was delighted to find several commercials in German and Italian that I had never seen before. What excited me the most was seeing a commercial that features Battle Ram, Battle Cat and Wind Raider. This is the first time I’ve seen a MOTU commercial where those vehicles take center stage. I’m sure many of you have seen some of these before, but most of them are new to me.

For now I’m featuring only the foreign language commercials for which I have seen no English language equivalent:

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